According to Kaz & Queen

J Cole Cops Pleas, Mendeecees Ain't In Love, & The Tribal Chief Loses

Season 3 Episode 73

On Episode 73 of According To Kaz and Queen: J Cole Apologizes to Kendrick Lamar at a recent concert for hurling some retaliatory bars at him and the internet goes nuts! Is the "Rap battle" as we know it, dead? Was J Cole showing maturity or fear? Was it yet another "L" for the light skinned delegation? 

Love and Hip Hop Couple Mendeecees and Yandy are back in the spotlight. Mendeecees admitted on a recent episode that he was still married to Yandy out of loyalty not love. How common do you think that is in today's relationships? Is marrying for love "outdated". 

ALSO: Kaz is in mourning after Wrestlemania 40. The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns lost to Cody Rhodes ending a 3 year reign. How long will he grieve? How was WM 40 overall? 

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